Today: June 28, 2024 7:54 am
RV Life Basecamp | Community Membership Site
Today: June 28, 2024 7:54 am



Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Karate level-up belt testing, award ceremonies, weekly local softball game schedules, Local wine tasting parties, Superbowl party Bar-B-Que and swimming pool get-togethers, beach days, Thursday night shoot pool group meetings.

These are just a few ideas. I’m sure you can think of other events that can be listed and promoted.

General Info

This is a “Members” website designed to help our community stay more connected, plan events, share photos, recipes, and movie recommendations, and chat & pm with each other – privately!

This website is designed to be appropriate for all ages! This website will reduce the clutter of information we are consuming and filter what is important to us.

This website will give members the secure, private, and “FUN” connection we have all been waiting for!

If you know other RV Lifers that may be interested in joining us, please share with one of the links below.

Diver Dan Lennon | Palm Bay | @dolphin_diver.

Message me if you need a professional, personal, family, club, hobby, or any website built. 😉

Send me a message: Contact Dan

Dan Lennon | Palm Bay @dolphin_diver is the only moderator at this time.

I welcome more people to help with this role.

If you are interested in helping out, please message me @dolphin_diver asap!

Yes! Please do!

The idea is that we can all stay in touch privately and securely!

Yes! This website is designed to be a safe place for all our members!

The site rating is “G” for ALL ages!

This website is going to remain appropriate for all of our members (very young and older!)

Many of us use Amazon for convenience. So I decided to set up this website as an Amazon Associate.

Then I listed many everyday items and categories we employ in the RV Life world.

Anyone who chooses an item to buy from our website will complete the sale on Amazon directly.

Then, as an Associate, we will receive a small commission, but the prices you pay will not be any more than the usual pricing on Amazon.

Any sales commission received will help support this FREE membership website and its resources used.

Here is where to find our “Get Gear” page: Get Gear

Please let me know if you need something specific but don’t see it listed. I will create a link for you: Contact Dan Lennon

Get Gear

Many of us use Amazon for convenience. So I decided to set up this website as an Amazon Associate.

Then I listed many everyday items and categories we employ in the RV Life world.

Anyone who chooses an item to buy from our website will complete the sale on Amazon directly.

Then, as an Associate, we will receive a small commission, but the prices you pay will not be any more than the usual pricing on Amazon.

Any sales commission received will help support this FREE membership website and its resources used.

Here is where to find our “Get Gear” page: Get Gear

Please let me know if you need something specific but don’t see it listed. I will create a link for you: Contact Dan Lennon


Click on either “Photos” or “Album” on your “My Profile” page to start creating your media library.


No! This website requires “Membership” to get in and participate with, communicate with us, and share information with our members.

Here is an abbreviated list of some of the security measures employed for our protection:

SSL / Secure Socket Layers, i.e., https://* versus http://, Membership management system for content control, Firewall scanning for malware, SQL injections, known evil IP addresses, trouble makers, and hackers with auto-blocking Automatic blocking for ‘abusive’ users and ‘sketchy’ activities, reCAPTCHA (both Visible & Invisible,) Anti Spam for all messages, posts, bots, crawlers and creeps The site is completely database driven.

Databases, posts, pages, and graphics are encrypted.

All content is dynamically built on the fly.

Okay, I will stop there before you go to sleep – LOL 😉 want more info? @dolphin_diver.

What can I do here

To update your profile pic and overall profile, click on this link:

“My Profile”.

Hover your mouse over the “Profile Picture” and click on it, then you can upload your picture.

Be sure to update the rest of your profile while you are at it. You may also update your “Cover Image” in the same way.

Please remember to click the “Save” button after updating your details.

Please click on this link to Submit New Blog Post.

You will have a form for your new post.

You can also click on the “Blog” link from the menu on your “Profile Page.”

Yes! Please do 🙂

Send your ideas to Dan Lennon @dolphin_diver asap!

You can also send me an email. Find my contact info when you click on my profile link in the list of members.

Or, Dan Lennon

Suggest a New FAQ

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What name should be displayed with your FAQ?

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